FM pede imparcialidade no conflito palestino-israelense

2023-10-17 09:00

IU do Microsoft YaHei


PVC Piping
Microsoft YaHeiWashington está pronto para fortalecer a comunicação e a coordenação com Pequim, disse ele.

Wang e Blinken também trocaram opiniões sobre as relações China-EUA durante o telefonema.
Uma série de contatos de alto nível entre os dois lados ajudou a estabilizar as relações bilaterais, o que é bem recebido pelos povos dos dois países e pela comunidade internacional, disse Wang.
Ele disse esperar que os EUA trabalhem na mesma direção com a China para remover obstáculos, respeitar os interesses fundamentais e as principais preocupações da China, de modo a trazer os laços bilaterais de volta ao caminho do desenvolvimento estável.
Blinken disse que 
The answer to the Palestinian issue is the two-state solution and an independent State of Palestine, this is how Palestine and Israel could coexist in peace, he said.
There can be no peace in the Middle East without reconciliation between the Arabs and Israel, the foreign minister said.
China calls for convening an international peace conference as soon as possible to promote reaching broad consensus, he said.
Blinken said that the US supports the two-state solution, and supports the UN's role in de-escalating the Palestinian-Israeli situation and providing humanitarian assistance.
Washington stands ready to strengthen communication and coordination with Beijing, he said.
Wang and Blinken also exchanged views on China-US relations during the phone call.
A series of high-level contacts between the two sides has helped stabilized bilateral relations, which is welcomed by the people of the two countries and the international community, Wang said.
He said he hopes that the US will work on the same direction with China to remove obstacles, respect China's core interests and major concerns, so as to bring bilateral ties back to the track of stable development.
Blinken said that Washington will work with Beijing to manage their relationship in a responsible way.
Reporter: Zhou Jin

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